Jesus Christ the Mediator – Tim McCool – 09/26/21

For several weeks, Brother Tim has been preaching about the church of God. In this message, he presents the focus of what it is all about when we come to the location where God is worshipped publicly – it is to connect with the Mediator Himself – Jesus Christ.


Taboo But True – Luke Hagler – 9/22/21

There should be no subject in God’s word that is “off limits”, or taboo, for the disciple of the Lord. Some teachings may be more intense than others, but we should be willing to believe it just because it is in the word of God. In this message, Brother Luke Hagler looks at some topics that may seem “taboo” but they are true.



2021 Anniversary Meeting – Praying for Salvation – Jonathan Wise – 10/02/21

In the 2nd message of the meeting, visiting minister Jonathan Wise explains from Psalm 56, how we are to pray for salvation, or deliverance. And once again, this salvation does not refer to an eternal salvation, but a deliverance here and now.


2021 Anniversary Meeting – Saved By Keeping In Memory – David Wise – 10/02/21

Saved by Keeping In Memory – In the 1st message of the anniversary meeting, visiting minister David Wise speaks about memory salvation. The Apostle Paul tells us that if we keep in memory what we have learned, it will save us. But is this an eternal salvation?



City of the Living God – Tim McCool – 9/5/21

In this message, Brother Tim looks at the next description Paul gives of the church in Hebrews 12. The City of the living God, which is a reference to Jerusalem, was the place on earth where the Lord chose to place His name. In the Old Testament it was the physical city of Jerusalem. In the New Testament, it is the spiritual city, the new Jerusalem – the church of the Lord Jesus Christ.


8/29/21 – Mount Zion – Tim McCool

For the Israelite, the most intimate place to connect with Jehovah was Mt. Zion. And today, the most intimate place the child of God can connect with the Lord is the New Testament location that God has chosen to place His name – the Church of the Lord, or Mount Zion. In this message, Brother Tim speaks of this truth.


The Throne of our Mind – 8/29/21 Luke Hagler

Who sits on the throne of our mind is a big deal. It determines our direction, our moods, our peace. Sadly, many of God’s children allow other influences to sit on the throne of their minds. In this message, Brother Luke encourages us to allow the Lord to sit on that throne.



Why Nations Fall | Luke Hagler | 8-15-21

In basically every area of life we find division. In politics, in vaccinations, in mask-wearing, in preferences in practically every area and region of our nation there is division. Division is what leads a nation to fall. In this message, Elder Luke Hagler examines who is the cause of division, using the basic definition of the word “devil.” Keep reading →

Habakkuk’s Prayer | Tim McCool | 8-8-21

In a time of judgment, the prophet saw the Lord thundering through the land, and he was afraid. But after he settled into what was coming, he trusted and rested in the Lord. Today, many are so paralyzed by fear they have forgotten Habakkuk’s Prayer. In this message, Brother Tim reminds us that no matter how bad it gets, the Lord is still to be trusted. Keep reading →

The Nation Maker | Tim McCool | 7-4-21

Today there is a strategic movement by anarchists to make citizens of our nation feel ashamed for being a citizen. From attacks against the founding fathers to anarchist movements like black lives matter, the real attack is against the God the Nation Maker. In this message, Brother Tim presents the Bible truth of who made nations to begin with, what makes up a nation and why the Lord founded nations in the first place. Keep reading →

Marks in the Body | Luke Hagler | 7-4-21

If you looked at the Apostle Paul, he would have been something to behold. Scars from being whipped, beaten and stoned marked his body. As scarred and tortured as his body appeared, he viewed them as marks of his discipleship. In this message, Brother Luke examines how our following the Lord will leave definite marks on us. Keep reading →

Peter Stands Up | Luke Hagler | 6-27-21

Have you been told you cannot be saved unless you do certain things? This was taught in Acts 15, where people were told they must be circumcised to be saved. Today you may hear this: Unless you accept Jesus, pray the sinner’s prayer or be baptized you cannot be saved. In this message, Brother Luke Hagler presents how Peter stood up and settled the matter by teaching our salvation is not based on what we do, but by grace alone. Keep reading →

I’m Still Here | Luke Hagler | 6-13-21

While we live on this earth we don’t have the luxury of looking up into Heaven to see our eternal home, so we must walk by faith.  When enemies mock us and say ‘Where is thy God?’, it often leads us to ask ‘Is the Lord among us?’  In this message preached at Vestavia PBC, Brother Luke speaks of the wonder when the Lord reveals himself in special ways, strengthens our faith, and reminds us that, though now we see through a glass darkly, He is still very present. Keep reading →

Testimony | Luke Hagler | 5-23-21

As a legal term, testimony is important. But its importance is heightened when it comes to testimony for our Lord. Jesus gave the disciples great encouragement when it came to coming persecution. In this moving message, Brother Luke Hagler preaches of the Lord’s faithfulness to bless in the midst of great opposition. Keep reading →

From House of the Dead to House of Bread | Tim McCool | 5-2-21

In the final message in the series about Christian women finding a spouse, Brother Tim examines the incredible example of Rahab the harlot. If Ruth was the Cinderella of the Old Testament, then Rahab would be the anti-type of a fairy tale. And yet, God is merciful and able to intervene, overrule and provide regardless of the terrible conditions He finds His children in. Keep reading →

Treasure | Luke Hagler | 5-2-21

We put our treasures in safe places. You will never find an expensive piece of jewelry in a junk drawer at home. And yet, the Lord puts treasure in junk drawers.  In this message, Brother Luke presents a message that deals with the irony of God’s treasure. Keep reading →

Learning to Live in Babylon | Josh Coker | 5-1-21

When the children of Israel were led into captivity, they had to learn to live in Babylon, yet still retaining their unique identity as the chosen people of God. In this message, Elder Josh Coker gives instruction on how we, as the chosen people of God, can retain our identity and glorify God today, while living in Babylon. Keep reading →

Babylon’s Got Talent | Tim McCool | 4-25-21

Ruth went from gleaning grain to becoming a princess in Israel. The Shulamite went from gathering grapes to becoming a queen. In this message, Brother Tim examines the unusual courtship and rise to power of the Esther. Even in the most difficult of circumstances, we learn that the Lord can intervene and overrule. Keep reading →

Shame | Luke Hagler | 4-18-21

Have you ever been ashamed to admit you were related to someone? What about the Lord? We are his adopted children and in a natural sense, we give him much more reason to be ashamed of us than proud, because of our sin! But thankfully, because of his mercy, Brother Luke Hagler explains that even though he should be ashamed of us, he rejoices to claim us as his own. Keep reading →

A Righteous Man | McNeil Honea | 4-11-21

It would be natural to think that those who are good and righteous should only prosper. But in reality, that is not the case. Those who are righteous usually face trials and even persecution. This is due to the conflict that exists between righteousness and a fallen world. In this message, Brother McNeil Honea examines the characteristics of the righteous. Keep reading →

The Engagement Ring of the King | Tim McCool | 4-5-21

A special promise was made by Jesus, in which he would send the Holy Spirit in a to confirm His truth to born again believers.  Paul used the Greek word “arrabon” to describe what the Spirit does for us in sealing, or confirming the truth to us. In this message, Brother Tim examines this special word and the beautiful picture it paints for us. Keep reading →

Outnumbered | Luke Hagler | 4-5-21

For the child of God, it often seems as though we are outnumbered. There are many examples in the Bible where God’s people are outnumbered and face impossible odds, but the Lord gives any child of God a majority. Brother Luke presents a message about how we can move forward even when we appear to be outnumbered. Keep reading →

My Messianic Servant | Tim McCool | 3-28-21

Throughout the “Servant Series”, various individuals have been considered. But none can compare to the Shadowy Messianic Servant presented in Isaiah 42, and viewed in Matthew 12. In this final message of the servant series, Brother Tim takes up the greatest Servant of all time and eternity – The Lord Jesus Christ. Keep reading →

My Servant the Nail | Tim McCool | 3-7-21

Probably the least known servant of the servant series was Eliakim. He lived during the time of Isaiah, and we know very little about him. But the Lord referred to him as a servant, so we should take note of who he was. In this message, Brother Tim looks at the description of this servant, as he was referred to as a “nail.” Keep reading →

What do they call you? | Luke Hagler | 3-7-21

When people ask about you, what do they call you? We may know someone who has a quick temper, and when asked about them, say that they are “hot headed.” For the child of God it is the desire to be referred to as a Christian. But all children of God are not Christians, according to the Bible definition. In this message, Brother Luke Hagler examines this subject. Keep reading →

The Servant is a Sign | Tim McCool | 2-28-21

Many of the servants we see in the scripture have notable characteristics. Job was patient. Abraham was faithful. David was thoughtful. But we find that Isaiah was a sign himself. All servants should “signify” who they serve by the way the present themselves. In this message Brother Tim speaks about Isaiah the servant who was a sign. Keep reading →

Love | Luke Hagler | 2-14-21

Elder Luke Hagler presents a timeless and beautiful message from I Corinthians 13, a subject we are all familiar with, yet we often overlook the way that it works and applies in our own lives. In this sermon Brother Luke makes the practical application of sacrificial love very up close and personal. Keep reading →

Body, Soul, and Spirit | Neil Honea | 2-10-21

In this message preached at the Wednesday night service, Brother Neil takes up the often discussed subject of the three parts of man. By comparing this often complicated subject to the basic attributes of the Trinity, he presents a picture of body, soul and spirit that is easy to understand and something we should all rejoice in. Keep reading →

The Judgment | Luke Hagler | 1-27-21

We all have an appointment with death. Hebrews 9:27 tells us after death we face “the judgment.” By what standard will we be judged? Our repentance? Our confession? Our belief? All of these are actions or works, and the word of God declares we are not saved by our actions or works. In this message, Brother Luke Hagler presents the standard by which we will be judged. Keep reading →

Influencers | Luke Hagler | 1-17-21

A new term we often hear is that of the influencer. In order to be an influencer, one must have credibility, an audience and persuasiveness. One glance at popular social media and you will find influencers who have huge followings. In this message, Brother Luke shows from the scripture that to be a spiritual influencer, it doesn’t take credibility, an audience or persuasiveness – just the Lord. Keep reading →

What is our Purpose? | Mike Ivey | 1-13-2021

In this message, Elder Mike Ivey presents the two opposing worldviews: secular humanism and a Biblical worldview. Humanism originates in man as an evolved life-form, and ultimately leads to despair, since it is limited to man. But a spiritual world view points to a glorious Creator, who we can revel and rejoice in due to our origin stemming from an eternal God. Keep reading →

Perplexed | Luke Hagler | 1-10-21

To say that these are perplexing times is an understatement. From politics to culture, the child of God often finds themselves shocked and perplexed, wondering how we have fallen so far away from the Lord. Yet there is a way to keep our perplexity from turning into despair, and in this message Brother Luke presents that very important subject. Keep reading →

Servant Series: Job | Tim McCool | 1-3-21

In this first message of the servant series, Brother Tim looks at the servant Job. Out of his own mouth, Job confesses his belief about God, man, sin and other things that relate to Job being a servant. In order to comprehend why Job was considered such a great servant, it is important to know the foundation of his belief. Keep reading →

S.U.E.U. | Tim McCool | 12-27-2020

Using the acronym SUEU, Brother Tim presents 4 truths about the work of the Holy Spirit in the new birth. The Spirit is Sovereign, Unseen, Effective and Unstoppable. The text of the message comes from John chapter 3 where Jesus compares the work of the Spirit in the new birth to the wind. Keep reading →

Afraid to Ask | Tim McCool | 12-2-20

Even though Jesus referred to his coming crucifixion and resurrection, the disciples avoided the subject. Because of their fear of what it meant, they would not ask. In this message, Brother Tim looks at this and how it relates to us. Are we afraid to ask Jesus about our issues? If we finally have the courage to ask, we must be prepared for his answer. Keep reading →

Our Lack List | Tim McCool | 12-13-2020

When the rich young ruler came to Jesus, concerned about his eternal salvation, he felt something was lacking. But Jesus gently instructed this child of God that he was lacking something in his discipleship, not in his eternal life. Like the young man, we all have things on our own “lack list.” The question is, are we willing to ask Jesus what we are lacking? Keep reading →

The Under Rower | Tim McCool | 11-15-2020

In I Corinthians 4:1, the Apostle Paul used a unique word to describe a minister. The “under rower” is a visual reference to the lowest level gally slave on the Roman warship. In a time when ministers are often viewed as celebrities, the “under rower” brings a refreshing and accurate view of the ministry.   Keep reading →

Suffering | Luke Hagler | 11-8-2020

In this message, Elder Luke Hagler examines the subject of suffering. No one wants to sign up to suffer, but the reality of life is that we do suffer. Yet, in the midst of suffering we can have a special experience with Jesus if we are looking for Him. He may not send the suffering, but He appears to minister to us when we do suffer.

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The Lens of Scripture | Luke Hagler | 10-11-2020

Our perspective of what we see usually comes through our viewpoint. In this message, Brother Luke presents the disciples view of various events in the ministry of Jesus. If they had not been looking through the lens of scripture, it would have made no sense to them. Like the disciples, if we choose to view our lives through the lens of the scripture, it will make all the difference. Keep reading →

Congregational Singing, October 2020 (Individual Audio Recordings)

Please enjoy these recordings, formatted in individual tracks, from our October 2020 Anniversary Meeting. For a single, combined recording of all hymns, click here.

I Know That My Redeemer Lives


Song in the Night


The Blossoming Desert

Lord Lead Me On

O God Beyond All Praising

In Christ Alone

O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus

Descend from Heaven Immortal Dove

Let Us Gather In His House

Be Still My Soul

God Has Been My Refuge Daily


Saved by Hope | Mike Ivey | 10-3-2020

In the struggle today to make our faith relevant, we often feel hopeless. And yet, in a real and tangible way, we discover that through the Lord Jesus Christ, there is an up to date relevance to our faith – and it is found in hope. In this final message from Saturday, Elder Mike Ivey preaches on the subject “Saved by Hope.” Keep reading →

One Refuge | Bryce Lowrance | 10-3-2020

We all like to think we have control over the various aspects of our life. But the reality is we are often tossed about and feel helpless. In this river of life, we need a refuge. The Lord has provided just such a refuge in Himself, His church and His word. Elder Bryce Lowrance preaches from Psalm 46 to bring out this point. Keep reading →

By Faith we Transition | Tim McCool | 9-27-2020

From one shore of the Red Sea to the other, the Israelites faced an impossible circumstance that turned into an improbable and amazing deliverance. In the transition to the shore of deliverance there is only One who is due the praise for such a marvelous work. In this message, Brother Tim speaks of the fact that we all face Red Seas. And in our various deliverances there is only One who can receive full glory, most notably in the area of our eternal salvation. Keep reading →

She Seeketh Wool | Luke Hagler | 9-23-20

In the series on the virtuous woman, Brother Luke examines Proverbs 31:13 where it describes characteristics of the virtuous woman. It says she seeketh wool, which may be hard to identify with in our modern culture. But in this message, Bro. Luke brings out the truth that wool symbolizes purity, and virtuous women even today make it their goal to seek out purity in their lives. Keep reading →

By Faith We Kill | Tim McCool | 9-20-20

Moses told the Israelites to “kill” the Passover the night God delivered them from Egypt. The Passover pointed to the sacrifice, or killing, of the lamb, as well as the festival itself. In this sermon, Bro. Tim presents the truth of the shed blood of the Lamb of God, by which we can celebrate Christ our Passover. Keep reading →

By Faith We Forsake | Timothy McCool | 9-13-2020

If we heard about a guy who had to flee the country because he was in some legal trouble, we would think the worst. But Moses did just that. And yet it says his fleeing was an act of faith, not fear. In this message, Brother Tim considers “By Faith we Forsake”, and takes up the subject of Moses, who forsook Egypt and in a twist of providence, actually fled in faith. Keep reading →

Trouble | Luke Hagler | 8-30-2020

In this message preached by Brother Luke, he continues the series on the virtuous woman. One of the characteristics of a virtuous woman is she does not bring trouble into a home. She will do good, which means to bring peace and not trouble. Whether someone is trying to find a wife or in the midst of a marriage, a virtuous woman is a source of stability, not chaos. Keep reading →

By Faith We Parent | Tim McCool | 8-23-2020

For the parents of Moses, Egypt was everywhere. From enslavement to infanticide, the dark cloud of Egypt’s irreverent and illegal intrusion into their lives prevailed. Yet the light of the deliverer did not shine from great halls of government, or the seat of power, but from faithful parenting in a Godly home. Egypt is everywhere today. Darkness prevails and intrudes. But light still springs from homes where there are those who seek to parent their children by faith. In the next message from the hall of Faith, Brother Tim presents the subject, By Faith, We Parent. Keep reading →

By Faith we Die | Tim McCool | 8-16-2020

Relax…you are going to die! Unless the Lord comes back, the only way we get out of this world and into the next is through death. But for the Christian, this is not a fearful thing. In the hall of Faith series, Brother Tim takes up 3 men who blessed, celebrated and magnified the Lord even in their death. Keep reading →

By Faith We Laugh | Tim McCool | 8-9-2020

In the ongoing series of the Great Hall of Faith, we have considered many things we do in faith. By faith we comprehend creation, by faith we offer acceptable sacrifices, by faith we please God, by faith we move and by faith we go. In this message preached by Brother Tim, a different angle on faith is considered. By faith…we laugh. Keep reading →

Showing Mercy | McNeil Honea | 8-9-2020

In order for us to show mercy to others, we must understand what that looks like. An incredible example of this is given by our Lord in the account of the good Samaritan. In this message, Brother McNeil Honea presents the truth that our showing mercy to one another begins with understanding how Jesus shows mercy. Keep reading →

God is Working | Luke Hagler | 7-19-2020

We never think about things until they quit working. If the air conditioner goes out in the middle of the night, or our car quits, or part of our own body shuts down- then we think about it not working. But as long as everything is working, we take it for granted. In this message, Elder Luke Hagler brings out a very relevant point for us today – that we don’t pay much attention to God until He quits working. Keep reading →

They Sighed, Cried and He heard on High | Tim McCool | 7-5-2020

What can we do in such a time as this? As things seem to grow worse and worse, do we feel insignificant? No doubt the Israelites felt helpless when in bondage in Egypt. But they did something that we can also do today. They sighed, they cried, and the Lord heard on high. In this message, Brother Tim preaches about the significance of sighing and crying to the Lord.  Keep reading →

Love Covers | Tim McCool | 6-24-2020

In this message from an ongoing series on the book of Proverbs, Brother Tim examines the subject of forgiveness. This is an issue we all deal with, as we are often offended. But the Lord has set the ultimate example of how to process offenses and dealing with such issues. It is not to seethe within, or blow up, but to cover the offense in the way Christ covered our own offenses.   Keep reading →

By Faith We Offer | Tim McCool | 6-28-2020

As Brother Tim continues the tour of the Great Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11, in this message he considers how faith helps us offer acceptable sacrifices to the Lord. The first person of faith who is identified by name in the great hall is Abel. If we understand how Abel, by faith offered, we can learn how we offer acceptable sacrifices by faith.   Keep reading →

Getting Out of Bad Places | Tim McCool | 5-31-2020

We have all heard it said, “He is in a bad place…” when referring to situations people get into.  Can we agree that we, as a nation, are in a “bad place”? When the world can be shut down by a microscopic germ, we are in a bad place.  Usually we think that to get out of a bad place, we want to make it to a good place, but in reality it is quite different for the child of God. Our “escape” from a bad place, involves a Person, not a place. Keep reading →

The Prisoner Ezekiel | Tim McCool | 5-10-20

In what appears to be the final drive in service, Brother Tim looks at the prisoner Ezekiel, who was a prisoner of war in the prison camp outside the great city of Babylon. Perhaps we have felt like prisoners captive away from the motherland due to the recent world events. But rest assured, heavenly Jerusalem, the mother of us all – the church of our Lord – is not bound. Keep reading →

The Kingdoms of Men | Luke Hagler | 5-10-20

When we look around at the kingdoms and governments of men, it can become disheartening to see so little regard for the Lord. But when we consider that the only Kingdom that will last through all of the fallen kingdoms of men is the Lord’s Kingdom, over which He is the King, we can be reassured. In this message, Brother Luke examines the kingdoms of men and how they are destined to end and lie at the feet of the Lord’s Kingdom. Keep reading →

Happily Ever After | Tim McCool | 4-12-2020

We all love happy endings, and fairy tales usually provide a happy ending. But the truth is a true happy ending is always conditioned with “until” something happens to mess up the happy ending. In this message, Brother Tim presents an upgrade from the worldly “happy endings”, which involves a much greater end result. Keep reading →

The Atonement | Luke Hagler | 4-12-2020

In this message, Brother Luke continues to examine the fundamentals of the faith. The atonement that Christ accomplished on the cross was sufficient to pay for all of the sins of every single one of His chosen. In a message that hearkens to the power and provision of our Lord, Brother Luke presents a beautiful picture of how Christ will lose none of his children. Keep reading →

High and Lifted Up | Tim McCool | 3-29-20

In troubled and tumultuous times, upheaval and change always leads to fear. In the days of Isaiah, during uncertain times, with the future unclear, in the shadows of the death of an earthly king who reigned for 52 years, Isaiah was blessed to see the King of Kings, high and lifted up. In this message, Pastor Tim preaches on the heavenly perspective Isaiah saw in a difficult time. Keep reading →

Quarantine | Neil Honea | 3-29-20

In this message, Elder Neil Honea addresses the reality of quarantine from a historical perspective. Since it is nothing new to society, we should not view being quarantined as the end of the world. Instead we should remember that the Lord is with us whether we are quarantined or not.

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Groaning | McNeil Honea | 3-29-20

In this message preached on the second drive in Sunday service, Brother McNeil Honea looks at the book of Exodus. The groaning of the children of Israel was frequent, and the Lord heard them every time. In these uncertain times, we should never forget that the Lord hears our groaning. Keep reading →

Government and God | Luke Hagler | 3-22-20

In the third message of the drive-in service, Elder Luke Hagler addresses a question that has been on the minds of many of God’s children – What is the role of government in relation to God? And most importantly, how do we differentiate between a government interference with our exercise of religion, versus complying with useful laws. In this message, Brother Luke answers that question. Keep reading →

Having Mercy On Others | Neil Honea | 3-22-20

In the second message of the drive in service, Elder Neil Honea presents a timely message that relates to our current situation.  There are many who are fearful of virus and of government rules. No matter what our state may be, we should interact with our brothers and sisters in mercy, which is the way the Lord interacts with us. Keep reading →

Fairness | Luke Hagler | 3-11-20

In this message, Brother Luke Hagler speaks about the concept of fairness. Many think that it would be unfair for God to not treat everyone alike. Yet the Bible doesn’t speak in terms of fairness, but mercy and grace. When we understand how we have offended a Holy God, it moves us away from thoughts of fairness. Keep reading →

Bullies, Babel, and Bullets | Tim McCool | 3-1-20

We are a culture driven by images. From the internet to the media, images drive our imaginations. This is not a new thing. From the pre-flood world to modern times, cultures have been driven by images. And when the wrong images are driving the culture, we can count on destruction.  In this message, Brother Tim looks at how bullies and tyrants once drove a culture from long ago. Keep reading →

Staying on the Path | Luke Hagler | 2-26-20

In this message, Brother Luke examines what it means to stay on the straight and narrow path in life. Unlike conventional thoughts on this, the scripture teaches that the straight and narrow is the path of good decision making. Whether we are making a decision in our personal life or seeking friends, it is important we stay on the path that brings honor to our Lord. Keep reading →

The Great Interrupter | Timothy McCool | 2-23-20

From the beginning, the Lord has a pattern of inserting Himself into the events of human history. For this reason we can view him as the Great Interrupter. But when God interrupts, it is for His glory and for our good. In this message, Bro. Tim points out examples in the scripture where the Lord has interrupted the course of individuals and history in general. Keep reading →

Belief | Luke Hagler | 2-16-20

Just believing something doesn’t mean it is true, but when we believe we are accepting something as true. And there are many reason why we may accept things to be true.  In this message, Elder Luke Hagler brings out the most reliable reasons to accept something as true. Keep reading →

Corrupt Communication | Luke Hagler | 2-12-20

Negativity is one form of corrupt communication. A negative attitude not only affects us personally, but also those around us. Because of our sinful nature, we have an ongoing struggle with this form of corrupt communication. In this message, Brother Luke preaches about the corrupt communication of being negative and how to repent of this sin. Keep reading →

500 Pencers | Neil Honea | 2-9-20

In Luke chapter 7, we find Jesus addressing a Pharisees skewed view of his own level of sin. In this message, Brother Neil Honea presents the account of Jesus at the table of the Pharisee when the woman of the city came in and washed his feet with her tears. If we have an accurate view of our own sin, we will know we are all 500 pence debtors to the Lord. Keep reading →

Heaven | Luke Hagler | 1-26-20

In this message, Elder Luke Hagler preaches of the glorious place where we will live forever with our Lord. Heaven is truly a great mystery, since none of us have been there.  But the revelation of heaven through His Word is something that should bring excitement and anticipation to the child of God. And we can be sure from His word what the focus of heaven will be – the Lord Himself.

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How to be a Great Wife | Tim McCool | 12-15-19

In his ongoing “How To” series, Brother Tim preaches from 1 Samuel 25, using the example of Abigail the wife of Nabal. This is a great wife who had a horrible husband, but in spite of that, she demonstrated the 4 qualities of a great wife: 1) hospitality 2) respect 3) involvement in her community and 4) deep spirituality. Keep reading →

Apathy, Part 4 | Luke Hagler | 12-15-19

In the fourth message in his series on apathy, Brother Luke continues to examine the causes for apathy; Sin has an effect on our zeal to serve God and so does forgetfulness.  The more we sin the more numb we become to zealous service. And over and over in the scripture the Lord warns about forgetfulness.  If we forget our blessings, it will lead us to take them for granted, and into an apathetic state. Keep reading →

Apathy – Part 3 | Luke Hagler | 12-8-19

In the third message from his series on apathy, Brother Luke Hagler looks at the specifics of when we may fall prey to apathy. Feeling that our labors for the Lord are in vain and being more concerned with the external observance of commandments, like the Pharisees, can lead to dark places of apathetic life; and the sad part is we may not even realize we are there. Keep reading →

Being Born Again | Luke Hagler | 11-17-19

There is a time in the life of every child of God when the Lord, in His sovereignty, quickens them from death in sin to life in Christ.  A new creation is made within the heart. In this message, Bro. Luke brings out how even nature itself bears witness that God’s work on the heart of a child of God goes completely against nature. Keep reading →

Giving | Neil Honea | 11-13-19

Everything in this world belongs to God.  All things were made by him and we are merely stewards of what is His. In this message, Brother Neil examines how, even though God owns everything, He is pleased for us to give back to him a portion of his abundance he has shared with us. Keep reading →

How to Find a Husband | Tim McCool | 10-27-19

In the ongoing “How To” series, Brother Tim uses three examples from Holy Writ to establish a clear pattern from the Lord for a young woman seeking a Godly husband. Peace, stability and laughter are three qualities every woman should be seeking, and in this message, Brother Tim presents simple truths related to finding a husband. Keep reading →

The Lord Trieth the Hearts | Tim McCool | 10-23-19

In this message, Brother Tim examines the meaning of Proverbs 17:3 where we are told that our hearts are in the hands of the Lord, as silver is in the fining pot and gold in the furnace. Some would suggest this means that every trial and trouble that comes our way is directed by the Lord, but the examples found in God’s Word do not bear this out. Keep reading →

Together | Adam Green | 10-5-19

There are many instances in the scripture where the Lord speaks of us being together in Christ. We are quickened together with him, raised up together and made to sit together with Christ. Brother Adam Green preaches about the security and direction we have with one another when we are together and ultimately, the Lord will resurrect all of His people one day – together. Keep reading →

Buy the Truth | Luke Hagler | 9-29-19

Using an OT Proverb, Brother Luke preaches about what the truth is, how it affects our lives, and how we should maintain the truth when we have bought into it.  There are many ways we can sell the truth after we come to know it, but by God’s grace, we can buy the truth and never sell it.   Keep reading →

The Maypop | Luke Hagler | 9-22-19

When the Lord clearly states what we should do or not do, it leads to painful chastisement if we disobey. Whether it’s a child disobeying a parent or a child of God turning against the Lords direction instruction, in this message Brother Luke presents a clear picture of God’s consistency in dealing with us. Keep reading →

The Effects of Denying Reality | Tim McCool | 9-8-19

It is essential for children of God to face reality or they are unable to move forward in discipleship. In this message, Pastor Tim examines several accounts in scripture of how disciples failed to embrace the reality of their choices or circumstances, and the effects it had. Ultimately, when we embrace reality, we are able to move forward and function in God’s kingdom. Keep reading →

The Confession Crisis | Luke Hagler | 9-1-19

A crisis is when a difficult situation occurs and we are in need of a very quick solution. So often we hear those who are in crisis situations hit upon every possibility, often even blaming God, and never come to the solution – confession. In this message, Brother Luke preaches about the confession crisis – how we need to regularly confess our sins, which leads to peace and fellowship with God and those we have offended. Keep reading →

Zealousy | Tim McCool | 8-11-19

Zealous is a very similar word to jealous. In this message, Brother Tim looks at the zealous Messiah as his disciples observed him running out the people and things that didn’t belong in his temple. Zealousy includes elements of jealousy, but yields quite a different result. Keep reading →

Nicodemus at Night | Tim McCool | 8-4-19

Nicodemus is noted 3 times in scripture. Each time the writer refers to his visit to Jesus at night. But the last time he is mentioned, he is no longer coming to Jesus at night. We have all come to Jesus at night, afraid of the consequences it may have. In this message, Brother Tim exhorts us to not just come to Jesus at night, but step out in the daylight and serve Him. Keep reading →

Burning Jericho | Neil Honea | 7-28-19

There were two people who had very different experiences in Jericho. First, Rahab the harlot had an amazing experience in delivering her family from the burning of Jericho. But Achan, an informed Israelite, found destruction for his family in failing to leave Jericho behind. In this message, Brother Neil contrasts the two experiences and brings out some wonderful lessons. Keep reading →

The Village of Reeds | Timothy McCool | 7-21-19

From the house of passage (Bethabara) where Jesus was baptized and eventually gained his first disciples, we find our Lord traveling to the Village of Reeds in northern Galilee known as Cana. This obscure location was the place he began to manifest His power and Deity. Why would the Lord choose such a nowhere place? In this message, Brother Tim examines that question.   Keep reading →

Blessing or Curse? | Neil Honea | 7-14-19

It is often confusing when we find ourselves involved in things of this world that are not necessarily sinful, but seem to pull us away from Godly endeavors. In this message, Brother Neil identifies categories of non-sinful things in our lives that, when not handled properly, can lead us into sin. Keep reading →

Evil for Evil | Tim McCool | 7-7-19

Three times in the NT, God’s children are specifically directed to never return evil for evil. Paul says it twice and Peter said it once. Moreover, the Lord Himself instructed this in Matthew chapter 5. In presenting these teachings, Brother Tim brings out the true nature of the OT law and how there is a higher road that yields greater results than paying back evil for evil.   Keep reading →

Who is Worthy? | Luke Hagler | 6-30-19

In Revelation 5, an amazing scene plays out before the Apostle John in heaven. Though no one in heaven or earth was evidently worthy to open the great book presented in heaven, suddenly one proclaims that One is worthy. In this message, Brother Luke preaches about the Worthy Lion, who appears as a crucified and resurrected Lamb. Keep reading →

Justified by Faith and Works | Timothy McCool | 6-23-19

In this message, Brother Tim continues to examine the two categories of justification. There is justification by grace alone, which is the work of Christ alone, and there is justification that relates to our hearts and lives, known as justification by faith and works. A Biblical understanding of the difference is essential for peace of mind to a child of God. Keep reading →

Jusfitied | Tim McCool | 6-17-19

The question “Are you saved” often yields a response like this: “Yes I know I am saved because I confessed, or believed, or was baptized…” the list goes on endlessly. In this message Pastor Tim looks at justification, and how Christ justified us eternally by his work, and we experience justification by faith when we confess HIS work, not ours.   Keep reading →

Constraining | Neil Honea | 6-17-19

In a message preached on the Sunday after returning from Zambia, Brother Neil examines how God’s children can constrain the Lord to remain – whether it is by being hospitable to his servants, or by generally ministering to His children. We should all be concerned with spending more time with the Lord. Keep reading →

A Meddling Message | Tim McCool | 6-2-19

Preachers are often accused of meddling when preaching, and in this message, Pastor Tim points out just how meddling the Apostle Paul was. In very specific instructions to God’s children, Paul tackled serious issues of practical matters that could affect the peace of the church, and ministers should not be afraid to do so either. Keep reading →

What Are We Doing in the Desert | Tim McCool | 4-6-19

The Israelites found themselves far from the promised land, down deep in the desert. Many of them no doubt wondered why they were at Mt. Sinai in the middle of nowhere. This world is a desert and God’s children often wonder the same thing today. In this message, Brother Tim uses this OT example to show our purpose for being in the desert. Keep reading →

Subtlety or Simplicity | Tim McCool | 4-5-19

In 2 Corinthians 11, Paul declared his jealousy over the church, just like a father who espoused a daughter to a husband. He was concerned they would be corrupted from the simple and sweet relationship with their Lord. In this message preached at Pine Hill PBC, Brother Tim looks at the difference between subtlety and simplicity. Keep reading →

Who is in Our Details? | Tim McCool | 5-12-19

When the woman came and wept on the feet of Jesus and dried his feet with her hair in Luke chapter 7, the Pharisees were offended. But Jesus went on to delve into specific details regarding Simon’s neglect for even the most basic forms of ministry. In this message Bro. Tim presents how Jesus is lovingly aware of the most intricate details of our lives, and asks the question – Who is in our details? Keep reading →

A Look at Motherhood | Neil Honea | 5-12-19

In this Mother’s Day message, Brother Neil presents a Biblical view of motherhood – one who has an appreciation for life, a heartfelt devotion to raising children, and relentless commitment to giving their time to their family. Our Lord certainly appreciates mothers, as he chose to bring his only begotten Son into the world through a mother named Mary, which led ultimately to our eternal life.

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How to be Born Again | Ricky Harcrow | 5-4-19

In the final message from Saturday morning, Elder Ricky Harcrow expounds upon how we are born again, using as a text John 3. In explaining that the new birth is not a progressive work, but a one time event, Elder Harcrow goes on to show that the new birth makes a significant change in the life of the chosen child of God. Keep reading →

Times and Seasons | Tim McCool | 4-14-19

Paul pointed out to the Thessalonians there was no need for them to be reminded of the times and seasons leading up to Christ’s second coming. He pointed out that, as children of the day, it should not overtake them as a thief in the night. In this message, Brother Tim preaches about the times and seasons preceding the Lord’s coming. Keep reading →

The Reality of Sorrow | Tim McCool | 3-31-19

Every year, 55,300,000 people die. Every day about 151,000 pass away; and on an hourly basis, around 6300 leave this earth. In this message Brother Tim preaches from the well known scripture regarding the loss of our dear ones in I Thessalonians 4:13. The Lord knows that His children will sorrow, but he does not intend for them to sorrow without hope, and he lovingly relates to us that death does not have the final say. Keep reading →

Paradise | Neil Honea | 3-31-19

There are various ideas and speculations about what Jesus was referring to when he told the thief on the cross, “Today thou shalt be with me in paradise.” What is paradise? In this message, Brother Neil preaches that paradise is heaven, and the true meaning of heaven is to be where Jesus is. Keep reading →

Power | Neil Honea | 3-24-19

There are many forms of power in our world. And specific kinds of power will fuel certain types of engines. What is the primary source of all power? In this message Brother Neil addresses the question of Who has all power, and that the power that fuels the world is a different power that fuels the Kingdom of our Lord. Keep reading →

Bible No Brainer | Tim Mccool | 3-17-19

In this message Brother Tim teaches what it means when God holds discourse in the heart. A form of teaching that no preacher, parent, missionary or friend can do – this is wholly God’s area of expertise. The result is that He writes something special in our hearts that is so spiritually natural that Paul refers to is as requiring little or no thought, or, a “no Brainer.” Keep reading →

Our Prison | Neil Honea | 3-10-19

When John Baptist sent from his prison cell, he was in need of something that could comfort a discouraged prisoner. In this message brother Neil points out that we are all in prison in some way or another, and we all need encouragement to endure our prison sentences. And for God’s children, there is specific information we need to know while we are imprisoned here. Keep reading →

Don’t Take the Bait | Timothy McCool | 3-3-19

Many of God’s children wonder about the will of God for their lives. In the ongoing series from I Thessalonians, Brother Tim preaches from chapter 4 where God’s will is expressly stated – for His children to abstain from sexual sins, called fornication. Sadly, fornication is merely the bait in a trap that leads to something even worse.

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Keep the Commandments | Tim McCool | 2-24-19

In the ongoing series in I Thessalonians, Brother Tim reaches the half way point in the inspired letter. Paul exhorts them to keep the commandments, and in doing so, they would experience something special. Not fame, fortune or worldly glory, but a spiritual experience that was other worldly, and a modeling of our own dear Savior. Keep reading →